Zen Marxist Launderettes

Monday Nights at the Poetry Center
Mira Kores, Emily Wright, Sandra Senne, Laura Ann Walton
Monday, June 14, 2010 at 7:30 PM
R25: An Intersection of Arts — 1719 25th Street
Host: Emmanuel Sigauke
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The Zen Marxist Launderettes is a writing group that formed seven years ago in Sacramento. A newly completed anthology of writing entitled Wring has been released with contributions by current members (Margaret S. Burns, Erin Exstrom, Ellen Johnson, Mira Kores, Cecile Martin, Carolyn Schneider, Sandra Senne, Laura Ann Walton and Emily Wright).
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Mira Kores has been writing poetry off and on since college. That was, of course, in the last century. Turning 80 was a bit of a shock but as luck would have it she then got published in a respectable literary magazine.
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Emily Wright has published poetry and prose in Quercus,Pinchpenny, Phantasm, The Suttertown News, and Pacific News Service newspapers. A co-founder of La Semilla Cultural Center in Sacramento, CA, she was also a co-founder of the Sacramento Labor Chorus. She has found meaning in work as a nurse’s aide, air-photo interpreter, violinist, historian of Central America, and psychotherapist for children and their families. Her long narrative poem, “Love’s Laundry” received its first complete public reading in September, 2008.
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Despite her B.S. In physics and M.A. In sociology, Sandra Senne has found literature, art and music to be the loves of her life. She believes that reading and writing have possibly saved her life as they led her into territory otherwise unknown.
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Laura Ann Walton has worked on a Master’s Degree in creative writing, became the founding Director of Mary House of Loaves and Fishes and went on to found the Women’s Wisdom Project, an arts empowerment program for disadvantaged women. At long last in her sixth decade, she is focusing on her own work, writing poems and creating collages.

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