Wednesday June 2 6pm at the Sacramento Room

Wednesday June 2
6:00 to 7:30 pm

SPC presents Four Poets at the Sacramento Room – plus open mic.
Sacramento Room – Central Library
828 I Street – 2nd floor

Trina Drotar
Paco Marquez
Sandy Thomas
Sue Thomas

Sandy Thomas

Sandy Thomas, a third generation poet, was born in San Francisco. Her poems have appeared in 24th Street Irregular Press, Rattlesnake Review and WTF Quarterly. Her latest chapbook, These Stones, was published by Two Trees Indie Press in 2009. She lives in Sacramento.

Trina Drotar

Trina Drotar is a poet via fiction, memoir, art, and design. Her writing has been published, or is forthcoming, in Word Riot, Medusa’s Kitchen, and Rattle. A clothing designer and artist, Trina has worked as editor of Calaveras Station and is the current editor of Poetry Now. Originally from San Francisco, she has lived in Houston once and Sacramento twice, where she is completing her MA in English – Creative Writing. She spends July in Fresno studying with writers like Carole Maso, Lance Olsen, Rebecca Brown, and Debra DiBlasi.

Sue Thomas

Sue Thomas is a former newspaper reporter, freelance writer, and advertising copywriter. She taught high school English in Elk Grove for 23 years before retiring, and has taught in Costa Rica, Washington, D.C., and Humboldt State University in Arcata. She was awarded a fellowship to the Vermont Studio Center and was awarded an NEH grant to study the Renaissance in Florence. Sue has been writing poetry for about 20 years.


Paco Marquez, landed in Sacramento from Leon, Mexico a long time ago. Paco received his BA in Philosophy from UC Berkeley and since then has done all kinds of jobs: rental-car, fair housing, library assistant, casino manager. He’s been trying his hand at poetry since he was fifteen. Paco is a board member of the Sacramento Poetry Center. As of May 2010, he is in the process of driving from South Carolina to Sacramento, so his biography has many new chapters to be written. This is his first public reading in Sacramento.

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