Tule Review
TULE REVIEW 2021 now accepting submissions

Tule Review publishes once a year. The journal showcases new writers and award winners from the region and across the nation. The staff has nominated several of its published poets for the Pushcart Prize. Initially the journal was printed in newsprint, staple bound, and distributed locally. Over the years, Tule has grown to a heftier, beautifully designed, perfect-bound format, with juried art and a full color cover.
The spirit of Tule Review, however, has not changed. In 2009, under the leadership of Brad Buchanan and Tim Kahl, the Sacramento Poetry Center formed a small press which publishes a variety of publications, including Tule Review. Frank Graham transformed Tule Review to be a perfect bound publication in 2010. The press is still managed by volunteers at SPC, but Tule maintains an editorial staff and readers who see to it that the publication returns, in print, year after year.
We accept poetry and artwork submissions via Submittable where you can find submission guidelines and deadlines:
If you have trouble with Submitting, please email support@submittable.com. You can also call Submittable for assistance: 855.467.8264.
