Third Thursdays in The Sacramento Room
Thursday, April 19 at the Central Library
828 I Street, 12 Noon
Mary Zeppa and Lawrence Dinkins, hosts
April: traditional etymology is from the Latin aperire, “to open,” in allusion to its being the season when trees and flowers begin to “open.”
Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open.
Thomas R. Dewar
When one door is closed, don’t you know, another is open.
Bob Marley
So let’s make this April, this National Poetry Month, the month of opening: tulips and daffodils, azaleas and crocuses, minds and doors. On April 19 bring your favorite poems (preferably by a writer other than yourself) which explore or celebrate some aspect of openness. Cast your net wide. Think metaphorically as well as literally. Let your mind (and your senses) run free.