Third Thursdays in the Sacramento Room
Thursday, September 15 at the Central Library
828 I Street, 12 Noon
Mary Zeppa and Lawrence Dinkins hosts
September, the bed we lie in between summer and autumn.
— Charles Wright
September’s Baccalaureate
A combination is
Of Crickets—Crows—and Retrospects
And a dissembling Breeze.
–Emily Dickinson
The heat of autumn
Is different from the heat of summer.
One ripens the apples, the other turns them to cider.
–Jane Hirshfield
“September is one of the four months of the year that belong to two seasons…Could there be something about the ‘two minds’ of September—summer and autumn—that is intrinsically inspiring, even ecstatic, to poets?” I’m quoting Lisa Russ Spaar who, in her most recent on-line column in The Chronicle of Higher Education, contemplates the special qualities of the month of September. On September 15, bring your favorite poems (preferably by a writer other than yourself) which explore or embody, embrace or reject, these qualities. Cast your net wide. Think metaphorically as well as literally. Let your mind (and your senses) run free.