Tongo Eisen-Martin, David Buuck, Brent Cunningham, Leny Kay Strobel (via Justine Villanueva), Richard Lopez, Tim Kahl, and a short film by Chip Lord
Monday, May 27 at 7:30 PM
Sacramento Poetry Center
1719 25th Street
Host: Tim Kahl
Download of a .pdf of the anthology available here
Originally from San Francisco, TONGO EISEN-MARTIN is a poet, movement worker and educator. His book titled, “Someone’s Dead Already” was nominated for a California Book Award. His latest book Heaven Is All Goodbyes was published by the City Lights Pocket Poets series, was shortlisted for the Griffin Poetry Prize and won a California Book Award and an American Book Award.
DAVID BUUCK lives in Oakland, CA. He is the co-founder and editor of Tripwire, a journal of poetics (tripwirejournal.com), and founder of BARGE, the Bay Area Research Group in Enviro-aesthetics. Recent books include Noise in the Face of (Roof Books 2016), SITE CITE CITY (Futurepoem, 2015) and An Army of Lovers, co-written with Juliana Spahr (City Lights, 2013). A new chapbook, The Riotous Outside, is just out from Commune Editions. He teaches at Mills College, where is he steward of the adjunct faculty union, and at San Quentin’s Prison University Program.
BRENT CUNNINGHAM is a writer and publisher living in Oakland. He has published two full-length books of poetry, Bird & Forest (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2005) and Journey to the Sun (Atelos, 2012). His chapbook The Sad Songs of Hell was published by Ugly Duckling Presse in 2017. He works as the Managing Director at Small Press Distribution in Berkeley. In 2005 he and Neil Alger founded Hooke Press, a chapbook press dedicated to publishing short runs of poetry, criticism, theory, writing and ephemera. He has been working on a novel for a disconcertingly long time.
JUSTINE VILLANUEVA traces her ancestral roots to the Bukidnon tribe of Kalasungay, Bukidnon, Philippines. She came to the United States when she was 16 years old. She writes about the struggles and triumphs of Filipino immigrants in the United States. She is the founder of an independent non-profit small press, Sawaga River Press (SawagaRiverPress.com), which publishes multilingual children’s book featuring the experiences of Filipino children in the diaspora. Justine lives in Davis, California, with her husband and two young sons. She also teaches dance and is an attorney and a real estate broker.
LENY MENDOZA STROBEL is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of American Multicultural Studies at Sonoma State University in California. She is the Project Director of the Center for Babaylan Studies.
RICHARD LOPEZ is co-editor of The END OF THE WORLD PROJECT ANTHOLOGY along with John Bloomberg-Rissman and T. C. Marshall. He has has published three chapbooks, The Grapevine, Super8, and a split-chap with Jonathan Hayes, hallucinating california. He has published poems, essays, reviews, and interviews with fellow brothers and sisters in the art, in online and offline publications. Recently poems have appeared in cordite, otoliths, and moss trill.
TIM KAHL is the author of Possessing Yourself,The Century of Travel, The String of Islands, and Omnishambles. His work has been published in many journals in the U.S and abroad. He is also editor of Clade Song [http://www.cladesong.com]. He is the vice president and events coordinator of The Sacramento Poetry Center. He plays flutes, guitars, ukuleles, charangos and cavaquinhos. He currently teaches at California State University, Sacramento, where he sings lieder while walking on campus between classes.
CHIP LORD is an American media artist and Professor Emeritus, UC Santa Cruz and residing in the Bay Area. He is best known for his work with the alternative architecture and media collective known as Ant Farm, which he co-founded with Doug Michels in 1968.