21 Wednesday
Dr. Andy’s Poetry and Technology Hour, host Andy Jones, 5pm, KDVS-90.3 FM or subscribe to the podcast at www.kdvs.org. Info: www.culturelover.com.
South Natomas Urban Voices presents Ann Menebroker and D.R.Wagner. Hosted by B.L. Kennedy, 6:30 – 8 p.m. South Natomas Library, 2901 Truxel Rd. Free.
Mahogany Urban Poetry Series, 9pm. Hosted by Khiry Malik and Rock Bottom. Sweet Fingers Jamaican Restaurant, 1704 Broadway. Info: www.malikspeaks.com or 492-9336. $5 cover.
Moore time for Poetry: Terry Moore’s Access Television Show, 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 9pm, co-host Tyra Moore. Access Sacramento, Channel 17. updates: tvguide.com. (916) 208-7638.
22 Thursday
Poetry Unplugged presents: Julie Varlin and Dan Hoagland. Open mic before/after. Hosted by B.L. Kennedy. 8pm at Luna’s Café, 1414 16th St. Info: 441-3931 or www.lunascafe.com. Free.
23 Friday
Dynamic Women in a Double Feature: Las Manas, Bay area women of varied ages and ethnicities, perform poetry. 7:30 p.m. Also, Escritores poet, Be Herrera, will lead a Circle of Friends reading. Host: Felicia Martinez, open mic follows. La Raza Galeria Posada; 1421 ‘R’ Street, Sac. $5.00/what you can afford. Graciela (916) 456-5323, ww.escritoresdelnuevosol.com.
24 Saturday
THE SHOW” Poetry Series. Every last Saturday of the month, featuring Brett “B-Free” Freeman,
Twa’Lea Randolph, Heather Christian, Love Jones, 7-9 pm ,Wo’se Community Center (Off 35th and Broadway), 2863 35th Street, Sacramento; $5.00. Info: T.Mo at (916) 455-POET.
26 Monday
Sacramento Poetry Center presents: A Night of Translation: James Den Boer reading works translated from Latin, Arturo Mantecon reading from Spanish, Nguyen Do from Vietnamese; host: Tim Kahl. 7:30 p.m., SPC/HQ for the Arts, 1719-25th (25th and R Sts.) Info: 451-5569. Free.
27 Tuesday
SPC Poetry Workshop, 7:30pm, Hart Senior Center, 916 27th St. (27th & J). Bring 15 – 20 copies of your one-page poem. Info: Danyen, (530) 756-6228. Free. Workshop news, www.sacramentopoetrycenter.org, SPC Workshop News.
28 Wednesday
Dr. Andy’s Poetry and Technology Hour, host Andy Jones, 5pm, KDVS-90.3 FM or subscribe to the podcast at www.kdvs.org. Info: www.culturelover.com.
Mahogany Urban Poetry Series, 9pm. Hosted by Khiry Malik and Rock Bottom. Sweet Fingers Jamaican Restaurant, 1704 Broadway. Info: www.malikspeaks.com or 492-9336. $5 cover.
29 Thursday
Poetry Unplugged presents: Joshua Fernandez & Darrell Glenn. Open mic before/after. Hosted by frank andrick. 8pm at Luna’s Café, 1414 16th St. Info: 441-3931 or www.lunascafe.com. Free.