Poets’ Gallery
Mon., September 21: 7:15-8:30 pm
SPC Monday Night Socially Distant Verse, Open Mic, hosted by Lynn Belzer.Readings from California Poetry, with introduction by Bob Stanley7:30-8:30 PDT. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/763873346 Meeting ID: 763 873 3462 (“P O E T R E E I N C”)/ Password: spcsdv2020 |

Tuesday, September 22: 6:30-8:30pm, PDT
Socially Distant Verse, Coast to Coast Marie Nazos, Dianne Mackinnon Henning, and Tommy Mendez https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7638733462 password: spcsdv202 | |
Maria Nazos Maria Nazos’ poetry, translations, and lyrical essays are published in The New Yorker, The Tampa Review, The Mid-American Review, and elsewhere. She is the author of A Hymn That Meanders,(2011 Wising Up Press)and the chapbook Still Life, (2016 Dancing Girl Press). Her work has received fellowships from the Vermont Studio Center and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and scholarships from The Sewanee Writers’ Conference. A recent graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s English Ph.D. program, she can be found at www.marianazos.com. Dianna Mackinnon Henning Published in, in part: New American Writing; The Kerf; Plainsongs, The Moth, Ireland; Sukoon, Volume 5; Mojave River Review; the New Verse News; Hawaii Pacific Review; Sequestrum; South Dakota Review; Naugatuck River Review; Lullwater Review; Blue Fifth Review; The Main Street Rag; Clackamas Literary Review; 22 wagons by Danijela Trajković, Istok Akademia, an anthology of contemporary Anglophone poetry; California Quarterly; Poetry International and Fugue. Earlier publications: Crazyhorse, Seattle Review, Asheville Poetry Review & The Louisville Review.Four-time Pushcart nominee. Past winner of Eastern Washington University’s Fellowship to the Dublin Writers’ Centre. Henning taught through California Poets in the Schools, received several CAC grants and taught poetry workshops through the William James Association’s Prison Arts Program which included teaching inmates the love of poetry at the infamous Folsom Prison in Represa CA. Henning’s third poetry book Cathedral of the Hand published 2016 by Finishing Line Press.Website: http://www.diannahenning.comCathedral of the Hand: More Info Tommy Mendez A few years ago, Tommy wrote down some words that meant something to him. Then he got up on various stages around the country, and at times they seemed to mean something to other people too. He hopes that continues to happen. At 58 he decided he wanted to learn how to play guitar. This year, for his 60th birthday, his wife and children brought him a beautiful, tobacco sunburst, Epiphone Hummingbird and he has spent the last couple of months falling in love with it. Her name is Birdie Lynn. Tommy is a poet, chef, candle maker, and clay crafter currently struggling with Travis picking and F chords, still trying to find his place in this world, and occasionally jotting things down in a little leather journal with a peace sign stamped on the front of it. It was a gift from his cousin. | ||
Tues., September 22: 7:30-9 pm
SPC Tuesday night workshop, hosted by Danyen Powell. Bring a poem for critique.Contact mostoycoff@gmail.com for availability and Zoom info. | ||
Wed., September 23: 6:00 pm
MarieWriters – Write to a prompt and share a poem in a supportive groupled by Frank Graham. https://zoom.us/j/671443996 | ||
Wed. September 23: 1:00-2:30 pm
Pandemic//Planet//Protests: Poetry of Place A Free 8 Week Zoom Writing Workshop with Califragile Editor Wren Tuath Wednesdays, 8/19-10/7/2020 1-2:30pm Pacific; 4-5:30pm Eastern To Register: Email Wren at mexicoroad@consensus.net Sponsored by Sacramento Poetry Center How is our Western Sense of Place serving us in our time of change? How do we as poets shepherd our urgent messages in such cacophony? “Place” is more than creating a setting for your story. We’ll explore writing and reading poetry through a holistic filter of Place, blending approaches from literature and other fields. We’ll visit several forms of contemporary poetry and examine work by well-known writers—Claudia Rankine, Bhanu Kapil, Joy Harjo, Gary Snyder, Jericho Brown, Sandra Cisneros, Solmaz Sharif, Terry Tempest Williams, Natalie Diaz, and more. We’ll share our own work from prompts and receive supportive feedback. FOR MORE INFO OR TO REGISTER, EMAIL WREN AT: mexicoroadATconsensusDOTnet Wren Tuatha is author of Thistle and Brilliant (FLP) and founding editor of Califragile, Journal of Climate and Social Justice. Wren and her partner, author/activist C.T. Butler, are survivors of Hurricane Sandy and the Paradise Fire. She was artist-in-residence at Heathcote Center, where she directed the nature-and-arts-based Open Classroom. Her poetry has appeared in The Café Review, Canary, Lavender Review, California Fire & Water: A Climate Crisis Anthology, and elsewhere. She’s a frequent guest poet on KZFR. Wren studied Education at University of Louisville, and Film, Poetry, and Gay and Lesbian Studies at Towson University. She received grants to perform her poetry from TU’s Women’s Center and Office of Diversity. She is an alum of Community of Writers, where she studied poetry with Camille Dungy, Robert Hass, Brenda Hillman, Major Jackson, Ada Limón, and Matthew Zapruder. Wren is pursuing her MFA at Goddard College. Her thesis, Terrariumville, is a collection of poetry and essays on Sense of Place during crisis. This workshop is a teaching practicum for her degree. | ||
Thur., September 24: 7:30pm
Literary Lecture Series, hosted by Frank Graham. Poetry Craft Talk, with Misty Rose.Registration required prior to attending your first session of Literary Lecture Series:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYldOCrrTIsGd3zdcXdxMayV4fVqsEXFc8YZoom ID: 828 3933 9639 | ||
Fri., September 25: 4 pm
Writing from the Inside Out, weekly prompt writing course facilitated by Nick LeForce, Register and receive a weekly writing prompt on Monday and then join a read-around group on Fridays at 4 to share your work. To register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/upwkde-opjkpnyQECAVBKolY4hKCdl61uA After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing zoom instructions. |