Mon., July 27: 10:00 am
Writers on the Air Open Mic, led by Todd Boyd
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 358 106 078

Tues., July 28: 6:30-7:30pm, Pacific Time NEW DAY OF WEEK
SPC Socially Distant Verse, Coast to Coast,
A salon reading with Julia Rose Lewis, David R. Surette, and Elizabeth Bradfield
6:30-7:30 PDT.
Meeting ID: 763 873 3462/Password: spcsdv2020
David R. Surette’s new book of poetry is Malden, selected and new poems that feature his hometown Malden, Massachusetts. He is the author of five other collections: Wicked Hard, The Immaculate Conception Mothers’ Club, Young Gentlemen’s School, Easy to Keep, Hard to Keep In and Stable which was named an Honor Book at the 2005 Massachusetts Book Awards. He lives on Cape Cod.
Julia Rose Lewis is the author of Phenomenology of the Feral (KFS 2017) and High Erratic Ecology (KFS 2020). She and James Miller co-authored Strays (HVTN 2017). She has published the pamphlets Zeroing Event (Zarf Poetry 2016), Exhalation Halves Lambda (Finishing Line Press 2017), How to Hypnotize a Lobster (Fathom Books 2018), Archeology and the Beast (Luminous Press 2018), Miscellaneous (Sampson Low 2019), and NAG (Gang Press 2019).
Writer/naturalist Elizabeth Bradfield is the author of Toward Antarctica, Once Removed, Approaching Ice, Interpretive Work, and Theorem, a collaboration with artist Antonia Contro. Her poems and essays have appeared in The New Yorker, West Branch, Poetry, The Atlantic Monthly, Orion and elsewhere. For the past twenty-some years, she has worked as a naturalist and guide.
Tues., July 28: 7:30-9 pm
SPC Tuesday night workshop, hosted by Danyen Powell. Bring a poem for critique.
Contact for availability and Zoom info.
Wed., July 29: 6:00 pm
MarieWriters – Write to a prompt and share a poem in a supportive group
led by Frank Graham.
Fri., July 31: 4 pm
Writing from the Inside Out, weekly prompt writing course facilitated by Nick LeForce, Register and receive a weekly writing prompt on Monday and then join a read-around group on Fridays at 4 to share your work. To register:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing zoom instructions.
Fri., July 31: 7 pm
Avid Reader Storytelling and Poetry Evening Hosted by Mary McGrath
Time: Jul 31, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Zoom Meeting: Password: speak-up