SPC Free Tuesday Workshops for Poets (of all kinds and levels)

The trademark and longest tradition of the SPC is a thriving workshop. Poets of every level, each week, on a drop-in or regular basis, assist each other in their writing endeavors. Many workshop attendees have published widely and have won significant contests. Many have gone on to more prestigious quarters or have stayed to learn, grow, and assist others. For those who love the craft of words, or simply want a way to unwind, the SPC’s opportunities are abound.

Come visit us sometime at the well lit and always comfy Hart Senior Center at 27th and J Street, the building in the park, (usually in the Spruce room), any Tuesday night, except major holidays, at 7:30pm. Bring a pen. There will be adults of all ages and backgrounds, fun people to meet and learn from. The group promises to be not too serious, nor too silly, but they almost always provide a good laugh and good advice. The roundtable critiques last until 9:00pm. Bring at least 10-15 copies of your one page poem so that workshop attendees may read and respond.

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