October Calendar of Events

Wed, 10/1, 8pm Mahogany Poetry Series, and
every Wed night at Queen Sheba restaurant
@ 1704 Broadway, with Khiry Malik M., Slam,

Wed, 10/1, Th e Bistro, 3rd and F Streets in Davis,
1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Free. 530.756.4556
aojones@ucdavis.edu http://www.bistro33.
com/bistro33_davis for schedule

Thurs, 10/2 and every Th urs 8pm, Open Mike and
featured poet at Lunas Café — Feature TBA

Sat, 10/4 and every 1st Sat- Rhythm N Rhymes:
open mike, webcast & fi lmed for public TV
@ Butch N Nellie’s, near corner of 19th & I.

Tues, 10/7, 7:30 pm and every Tuesday: SPC
Poets’ Workshop @ the Hart Cntr, 27th/J sts.
Danyen@ 530-756-6228 FREE bring 15 copies
of your one page poem to be read/critiqued.

Every Tuesday 7 p.m. – “Life Sentence” poetry reading
and open mic. Th e Coff ee Garden, 2904
Franklin Blvd., Sac. http://www.myspace.com/

Wed, 10/8, 7:30 PM Rattlesnake Press will release
a new rattlechap from MOIRA MAGNESON
(He Drank Because) and a littlesnake
broadside from HATCH GRAHAM (Circling of
the Pack) Refreshments and a read-around will
follow; bring your own poems or somebody
else’s. Info: kathykieth@hotmail.com/. Th e
Book Collector, 1008 24th St.,Sacramento

Fri, 10/10, 7:00pm Second Friday Poetry Reading
at Th e Vox (gallery & cafe) 19th & X Street,
Sacramento. Free & Family-Friendly Featuring
Kathy Keith, James DenBoer, Andy Jones &
more. Hosted by Cynthia Linville.

Sat, 10/11 10-11:30, SPC 2nd and 4th Saturday
workshop facilitated by Emmanuel Sigauke
and Frank Dixon Graham located at South
Natomas Community Center next door to
South Natomas Library 2921 Truxel Road,
Sacramento, CA. Bring 10 copies of your one
page poem. contact or for info: grahampoet@

Fri, 10/17, 7:30, Th e Other Voice presents Ray
Coppock and Deborah Thomas. Refreshments
and open mike follow. UU Church of Davis

Wed. 10/22 4:10 PM FRANK DAVEY poet/critic/theorist
UC DAVIS Reading in Voorhies 126
Sponsored by: Departments of English, and Theatre and Dance

Monday 10/24 SPC Presents Katy Lederer and Rebecca Morrison. Host: Tim Kahl
7:30 PM 1719 25th Street

Sun, 10/26, 11am, El Camino Poets meet at the
Ethel Hart Senior Center @ 27th and J streets
for a poetry workshop. Bring 8 copies of your
poems for critique. All poets welcome

Monday., 10/27 SPC Presents Meg Withers and Tom Goff. Host: Tim Kahl
7:30 PM 1719 25th Street

Thursday, Oct. 30, 8 PM, Rattlesnake Press will
hold a reading at Luna’s Cafe to release two
SpiralChaps to honor and celebrate Luna’s,
including a new collection of art and poetry
from B.L. KENNEDY (Luna’s House of Words);
and an anthology of Luna’s poets, artists and
photographs (La Luna: Poetry Unplugged at
Luna’s Café) edited by FRANK ANDRICK.
Luna’s Café, 1414 16th St., Sacramento. Info:

Halloween Poetry Bash — October 31,
2008, begins at 7pm at the SPC HQ 1719
25th St., Sacramento with Poet and UC Davis
Professor Joe Wenderoth

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