Luna’s Café – Another Night of Competitive Poetry

I noticed in the blog calendar for October that Art Beck was in town again, and was going to be featured with former Tule Review editor, Jane Blue. Art Beck recently known for his publication, “Summer With All It’s Clothes Off” was joined by CSUS professor Mary Mackey instead, who read from “Breaking the Fever.” Nostalgic for a familiar place on this Thursday night, I slipped into the cafe just before it began brimming. I noticed someone in the corner, scribbling on a napkin, another had one sheet of paper covered with discriminating characters, lined out, some boxed in pen. B.L. Kennedy, the host, definitely had control of the mic. Central and galant in his introductions, he produced an evening that slowly unravelled into a successful symphony of poetry lovers.

What was shared tonight, was an inaudible tension. One that perhaps exists outside of the cafe and into the lives of these individuals as they carry on with what they do in the real world. I have heard some claim that they live and breath poetry, but tonight, we were all breathing it live and uncut. Poems on death, seduction and discontent drew darkness over the day just passed. After the final reader, I happily escaped leaving another piece of emotion on that stage; another poem was created, ready to be dissected.

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