John Allen Cann and Stan Zumbiel

John Allen Cann and Stan Zumbiel
Monday July 9, 2012 at 7:30 PM
1719 25th Street
Host: Emmanuel Sigauke

John Allen Cann was influential in the Santa Barbara area in the late 1970s and early 1980s. He was an innovator of the California Poets in the Schools projects and taught seminars at elementary and junior high school level. His works include: Lemurian Rhapsodies (Mudborn, 1976), Translations from the Translucent (1977), Accompaniments for a Dozen Roses (Aetheric Press, 1980) Halfway to Zeno’s House (1983), and Solitude the Shape of a Woman (Wooden Angel Press, 1987). He is a long time freelance educator in the Sacramento area, leading classes in poetry writing and appreciation for old and young alike. Go ahead and tug on his beard — it’s real.

Stan Zumbiel was born in the Midwest, but very early in his life was transplanted to the Central Valley of California, spending time in Auburn and Lincoln before ending up for good in suburban Sacramento. He started writing poems in 1967 while serving in the Navy. He raised four children, taught both middle school and high school, and became involved with the Sacramento Poetry Center about 1985. He lives with his wife, Lynn, in Fair Oaks, and continues to write. He has one of the largest collections of suspenders in all of Christendom.

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