HQ | One-Year Anniversary Celebration!

J. Greenberg, director of HQ: Headquarters for the Arts, sends this along:

Hi folks,

A little more than a year ago, the Sacramento Poetry Center realized that they would need to leave their then-current digs at the Ballet Center sooner than expected. At the same time, six local artists were eager to find a venue to display their diverse works. Meanwhile, I was growing frustrated with the scant choices available to Sacramento cinephiles…

Along with Jim Anderson of the Short Center Repertory Theatre, we all went out on a limb and decided to try an unusual experiment: to create a multi-use, multi disciplinary, shared art space.

It’s now May 2006, and HQ has been going strong for a little more than a year now, with growing audiences — and growing attention from the local media (hopefully, you all saw the very generous article in [monday’s] Scene section of the Bee, written by Rachel Leibrock, with photos by Kevin German!) And we’re every bit as excited about offering movie screenings every Sunday, poetry readings every Monday, and gallery hours every Saturday and Sunday afternoon as we were when we opened our doors more than 12 months ago. The Short Center Rep is sadly no longer with us, but HQ continues to be a vibrant and unique space for art in Sacramento!

So I hope you’ll join us this Saturday, May 20th, as we celebrate our first anniversary at 25th and R. In addition to the current exhibit of works by Asylum Gallery’s artists, we’ve got a stellar line-up of local poets, musicians, and filmmakers for your entertainment:

CRAWDAD NELSON, INDIGO MOOR, and ROBBIE GROSSKLAUS will astound you with their eloquent recitations…

ADRIAN BOURGEOIS and BOB STANLEY & MARY ZEPPAwill channel the Music of the Spheres for your listening enjoyment…

– plus the world premiere of a short film by BOB MORICZ, Sacramento’s most outre auteur!

And who knows? There may be a few more surprises come Saturday. So please be our guests — oh, did I mention the event is free? — for this celebration of Sacramento talent and HQ’s first year in existence! Food and libations will be served, and a splendid time is guaranteed for all…Take care — and see you Saturday!


– – – – – – – – – – –
Saturday, May 20th ~ 8-10pm
A celebration of…
HQ: Headquarters for the Arts’
One-Year Anniversary!
1719 25th Street
(Corner of 25th & R)
Midtown Sacramento

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