Hi Ho! at HQ for the Arts

The PFA (Poems-For-All) Exhibition and Readings:

Richard Hansen’s amazing collection of business card size promotions are decorating the HQ Space this month. Calling it his home, he is not far from the poetic reality of that claim. Richard Hansen has served on the Sacramento Poetry Center Board of Directors, and was instrumental in securing HQ as the new space for the Center. His “poems-for-all” poetry books are his genius contribution and dedication to the poets and poetry in the community. Colorful stories slung in artistic covers, are what these mini-books are, containing the poetry of poets past and current. Tonight, was one of the many readings this month celebrating the series, and the reader list included: ANNIE MENEBROKER. CRAWDAD NELSON. S.V. TAYLOR. DO GENTRY. RACHEL HANSEN. RHONY BHOPLA. KIMBERLY WHITE. SUSAN KELLY-DeWITT. Kimberly managed again, to amuse us with a political piece, requiring audience partipation (Hi Ho!) Rachel, the proprietor of the famed mid-town bookstore The Book Collector, where the reading series normally takes place, introduced her published set with moving compliments for her husband, and definitely outdid Richard’s introduction of her (he apparently has read her diaries, or atleast the parts that she allowed.) She read “Atheist” which followed her visit to India, and mirrored stereotypes of physical beauty, while making the listener appreciate the open space of atheistic thought. Nelson, the final reader of the night, reminded us of Kenneth Patchen’s persistent presence, and the strength of love shared between Patchen and his lover, Miriam. Crawdad’s emotional voice filled us and the room, encapsulating the evening in ode.

I was personally thrilled that Menebroker read her poem “Love”: bottlecaps were mentioned twice, once by her and then in a poem about an amazing multi-tasking lover, “Erogenius” by Bhopla; Menebroker’s image of microscopic infinite love, was captured in her line where she is able to fill a bottlecap with love. Bhopla, happened to treat us with the same physical motif, when she likened her lover’s “tasty nipples” to those of “bottlecaps.”

Last year, when a co-worker’s mother passed away, I reached into my bag for “something” and found this same PFA by Menebroker. Naturally it was meant for the grieving woman, who took the little folded book with curious, and grateful eyes. I’d like to believe that the poem, or just the sentiment of receiving the poem, elicited a warmth and contemplation of what might be, the eternal life of “love.” Menebroker’s words, hopefully helped dry some tears.

Next PFA Celebration:
HQ for the Arts, 1719 25th Street, Sacramento,CA 95816
The grand finale of a month long exhibition of the poetry and art featured in the Poems-For-All Series. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Musical peformance by J. GREENBERG- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
With readings of poems by: WILLIAM WANTLING. D.A. LEVY. JACK MICHELINE.
And songs by: JOE HILL

CLICK for series blog POEMS-FOR-ALL.

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