One never knows what one can find in Mr. McGregor’s Garden. The Sacramento Poetry Center set up on the broad tables found there, hoping to find a few little bunnies squeezing in under the fence so that they could be thoroughly punished with words. The task, again, for errant children was to build their poetry necklaces. Children literally string words together and then wear them around their necks in astounding acts of self-branding. Anything for Dr. Seuss.
A view of the table where the pile of words grows thinner, Keely Dorran attending to the whims of the Seussians. Thing 1 and Thing 2 also pictured (with their backs to the camera).
Words by the pound. Seth Dorran’s candidate for world’s longest poetry necklace.
Victor Schnickelfritz makes a rare appearance as “the scruffy daisy” or is it “the shady sunflower” ?